Sunday, February 15, 2009

Economic Indicators

Economic Indicators

It was apparent that "those who had money or the rich and middle class," were not spending! Money was tight and nobody was selling their homes hoping that conditions would improve. The nation was in a time of recession about "to be thrown into a global depression!"

In the visions, I was carrying cash, in particular US currency. "Cash was still king!"

Just as the evacuation of Vancouver Island was under way, while still in Victoria, I suggested by the Word of the Lord for a particular Believer who was extremely wealthy, "to immediately transfer his assets to the mainland." This would indicate, that "banks were still operational" and had not closed their doors pending a national and global depression.

Upon entering into Canada, "the National Identification Card had not yet been forced upon the citizenship of this country."

Canada was "severely crippled economically" by the destruction, bringing the nation into a state of "emergency and economic collapse!" "World-wide depression had come upon North America!"

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