Sunday, February 15, 2009



Total Destruction Of West Coast Of Canada

By Joshua David

Feb. 1988, Bangs, Texas - as seen by Joshua Taylor - First recorded from Memory, Sept. 15th, 1993, Jasper, Arkansas.

Prelude: Before sharing these visions, I feel led of the Lord to relate certain background information relevant to the comprehension and understanding of what shortly is to befall not only America, but Canada as well.

Up to this point in my spiritual walk, I had not experienced any open visions whatsoever, although the Holy Spirit had revealed various inner visions and other supernatural experiences needed for spiritual growth. Ever since my initial conversion in a conservative Christian Church in Regina, Saskatchewan in May of 1975, looking back, God surely had His hand upon my life. For the first six years, I listened and intensively studied the foundational teachings of the Word.

From 1981 until 1987, the Lord led me on various missionary journeys across my own country. During this second set of six years, God set me free from previous traditional bondage's, and set my feet on higher ground through a greater revelation of His Word. Above all, through my nomadic lifestyle, the Lord taught me to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It was toward the end of this second phase, in 1985, while attending a spirit-filled summer camp in Rock Lake, Manitoba that the Angel of the Lord first appeared to me. Unknowingly, God was preparing my soul to enter into the final stage of preparation. It was Gabriel who also appeared twice in these seven open visions. Up until this time, I knew in my spirit that the Lord had a call upon my life to serve Him. It was not until Christmas of 1988, that God revealed through the five-fold ministry, that I was not only called, but a chosen vessel as well. Chosen by His mercy! It was during this third set of six years, from 1988 until the spring of this year of 1993, that the Lord stripped me of all things allowing Satan to prove me that I might learn to be faithful. During this time in the wilderness, the Spirit of the Lord led me to seven springs of 'living waters' where I received various aspects of the deeper things of God. All seven of these 'Trumpet' ministries were formerly birthed out of the 1948 revival. After 18 years of preparation and testing, the Spirit of God anointed my feet to go forth to preach and to minister His word and power of deliverance. In my spirit, I know that these seven open visions will shortly come to pass. And when they do, America will be shaken as the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord' is ushered in! Although many details of my testimony have been purposely left out, I pray that what God has allowed me to reveal will set a foundation in which to better comprehend these seven open visions. May God receive all the glory and honor. Let each one lift Jesus higher, that the light of Christ will shine forth in newness of life. As of this moment, I had not previously recorded these visions given over five and one half years ago. A few details may be lost, but in the intensity in which I received this visitation of the Spirit of God will forever remain.

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