Prophetic Indicators
As the visions ended, it was strongly evident in my spirit, that "the Great and notable Day or the Lord" was "fully ushered in!"
After the tidal wave hit and destroyed the West Coast, in particular Vancouver and Vancouver Island, word was out that I was "to blame for the destruction" and God had to make a way for my escape.
Within 24 hours of the destruction upon the West Coast, "I knew that a decree was given against all true believers, and that great persecution had begun."
This above declaration, I knew was made by the so-called "Antichrist" fore spoken in the Book of Revelations.
"While in the Spirit" high above Departure Bay in Naniamo, I looked upon the hearts of the people, and if there was a "revival," there was no longer any trace of one.
With the ushering in of "the Kingdom of God", also came the ushering in of the "Kingdom of Darkness" as foretold in Mathew 24!
"The 10, 000 fleeing into the wilderness", fully prepared in advance to start anew, strongly infers that "a remnant was spared and went into a place prepared by the Lord" according to Rev. 12.
This "Great exodus of Souls," could not have happened if there was not "sufficient warning for them to get ready."
The "beast rising out of the ocean" indicated that the "Beast of Revelations was about to rise up out of the sea of humanity!"
Because God did not remove the Christian out of this great judgment, "the Christians themselves were greatly perplexed, and knew that they had been caught in a snare!"
Immediately after the destruction of the West Coast of North America, "great persecution arose against the true Believers in Jesus Christ!
From all the above indicators, "we were yet in the time of the four horsemen!" where the Day of God's wrath is being ushered! The time of the Antichrist is at the same time "being ushered in at this time," just prior to the Man of Sin revealing himself "in name and number!" If so, "we are only years away from the time of great persecution against both believing Jews and Christians world wide!"
The book of Revelation has nothing to do with America. It's all about Israel in her time of judgment that Jesus said was to come in Matthew 23 and described it in Matthew 24. The Beast with 10 horns came out of the sea which represents the nations. The other beast (false prophet) came from earth, or the Land, which means Israel. Eretz in Hebrew is The Land, which means Israel. The Bible is God's love letter to humanity using Israel as the main display - Old and New Testament. The teachings are timeless, but the specific events of the Bible for the most part were completed by 70 AD.